
We believe that family, however it is defined, is the basic social unit of society, and that healthy families build healthy communities. Our Parenting Workshops are 8-week groups based on the highly regarded S.T.E.P. method.

The S.T.E.P. (Systematic Training in Effective Parenting) method is rooted in Adlerian psychology and was developed in the 1950s by Rudolph Dreikurs. The main tenets are mutual respect, encouragement and positive discipline and the workshops provide parents with practical tools to help raise capable children and teenagers.

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Topics Covered

  • Learn why the ‘good parent’ and the ‘good child’ are myths
  • Understand the purpose of behaviours such as temper tantrums and defiance
  • Helping you build a toolkit as you navigate the challenges that arise in the journey of raising a family
  • Develop effective parenting patterns
  • Reduce family conflict
  • Provide support for you as a parent who may feel as if you are at your wit’s end.
  • Discover effective strategies and tools to support children and teenagers as they experience intense transition and growth
  • Learn how to encourage children and teenagers to take responsibility, feel capable, and be respectful
  • Learn, explore, and share in a supportive and relaxed atmosphere
  • Encouraging youth to develop a sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity based on Dr. Martin Brokenleg’s Circle of Courage model
  • Encouragement, Problem Solving, Communication, Positive Discipline, Family Constellation, and Parenting Styles


Individuals $200 (plus non-refundable registration fees)

Couples & Co-Parents $300


Weekly Remote Zoom Meetings

  • Who can take this course?

    This course is open the general public.

  • What are the parenting workshops like?

    Our workshops are facilitated by a Certified Parenting Facilitator (CPF) and a co-facilitator in-training. The group is a mix of approximately 12 parents, including couples, co-parents, and single parents. Each group’s unique parenting experiences help guide the discussion and delivery of the workshop material.

  • Do you have financial aid available for parents?

    Yes, financial aid may be available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us.

  • Can I register for a parenting workshop as ordered by a court or for reunification?

    Yes. Upon completing the 8-week workshop, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that may be used in these contexts. Please let us know on the forms when you’re registering if this is applicable to you.

  • What is Adlerian Psychology?

    Please see our About Alfred Adler page for information on Alfred Adler and Adlerian psychology.